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  • Maha David & Davina Meriaux

We can help you find and obtain the right funding for your lab!

By Maha David, project officer and Davina Meriaux, administrative coordinator - GO

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Finding the right call for research projects can be a fastidious and time-consuming task for investigators who don't have much time to spend on it. It is crucial, however, to apply to calls for projects, not only to secure research funding, but also to develop partnerships and participate in large-scale consortia.  

To help you with this task, the Grants Office updates monthly calendars for national, European, and international calls for projects. Using this tool, you can see at a glance whether a call is open in a topic of interest for you. About 10 funding opportunities are added monthly for each type of funder. Another tool, Grant Finder, aggregates selected calls and lets you search by keyword. If you still don't find a suitable call, you can contact us to help you identify a funding opportunity. With our experience in research funding, we can direct you to a specific call or advise you to target a specific funder. To this end, we will ask you to fill in a form with information about your projects and your research topics to better understand your needs. 


Once you have found the right funding opportunity for you, the GO will support you through the entire application process, i.e. drawing up the budget, completing the administrative parts of the application, obtaining the requested signatures, etc. To this end, just make a request on Grant Manager, our internal tool for grant applications and management. And finally, to increase your chances of success, we can help you draft your proposals, thanks to the expertise of scientific writers. They will ensure that your proposal is clear and meets the expectations of the targeted funder. Overall, our scientific writers will provide you with valuable proofreading, to help you improve your proposal.  


Find out more about tools and services provided by the Grants Office by visiting our new dedicated page on ePasteur.


In short, if you are looking for a funding opportunity for your research project, just contact us


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