By Mercè Guzmán Vendrell, project manager – GO
The LabEx Milieu Intérieur invites you to its Annual Meeting 2024, scheduled for October 9th and 10th,2024 at the Institut Pasteur, Amphitheatre Agnes Ullman (Monod Building).
For over a decade, the LabEx Milieu Intérieur has been working to establish a comprehensive baseline of immune system variability. We have established a robust cohort of 1,000 healthy individuals, and examined genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, and their impact on immune responses. Recently the cohort was transformed into a longitudinal one thanks to the resampling of almost half of the donors of the original cohort.
The meeting will feature five sessions, each led by a member of our Scientific Advisory Board (Benjamin Fairfax – University of Oxford; Nicole Soranzo – Welcome Sanger Institute; Michael Kobor – The University of British Columbia; Jing Yang-Fu – University of Groningen; Arnaud Marchant – Université Libre de Bruxelles):
Epigenetics and non-genetics factors
More information about registration and the agenda will be published on the event webpage that you can find here.
We look forward to your participation.