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  • Writer's pictureIsabelle Spada

The key role of the budget in funding applications

By Isabelle Spada, administrative coordinator - GO

image of tiles of the game scrabble spelling the words Budget and Economy
Image source: Sue Edmondson -

To bring a research project's ideas to life, it is essential to understand the importance of the budget in the funding application process. A well-developed budget is more than just a list of expenses; it reflects the researcher's vision.


An effective budget begins with a clear understanding of the strategic objectives. Each budget item must be aligned with the project's objectives and consider external factors, such as inflation.


Budget items must often be justified in specific sections of the grant application (for example "requested resources to reach the objectives" and "resources" of ANR-AAPG and ERC, respectively). Whether it is for researcher salaries, the purchase of specialized equipment or travel expenses, a solid justification strengthens the credibility of the funding request.


Finally, to support Institut Pasteur researchers, the Grants Office team offers specialized expertise depending on the funder and the call for projects selected. We will provide advice to ensure that your budget meets the funder's requirements and complies with the Institute's policy in terms of:


  • salary scale for PhD students & post-doctoral fellows,  

  • indirect costs (overheads),  

  • input of permanent salary,  

  • authorization to purchase large equipment,  

  • need of co-funding,  

  • equipment depreciation costs,  

  • PI bonus etc. 


The budget is therefore much more than an administrative formality in the funding application process for research projects. It is a strategic tool for turning ideas into concrete action.



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