By Davina Meriaux, Isabelle Spada, Vila Viraphong, administrative coordinators – GO
You are looking for key information for your funding application. The Grants Office is here to help you!
From the doctoral and postdoctoral salary scale to administrative information about the institute, or the animal insurance number and FCOI policy for US funding: we have everything you need!
We work closely with other departments at the Institut Pasteur to ensure accurate, up-to-date, and always available information.
Our dedicated pages on the new intranet, ePasteur, will be your one-stop shop. Visit the sections "Useful Documents" and "Ethics and Compliance" to access all the necessary information whenever you need it.
You will also find a section about Grant Manager, the internal tool designed to facilitate the management of external funding from submission to contractualization.
The Grants Office is here for you! For any requests or assistance, please contact us:(go[at]