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  • Writer's pictureDespoina Mademtzoglou

EDCTP3: new calls to fund biomedical research with African partners

By Despoina Mademtzoglou, project manager - GO 

image of the logo of EDCTP3

EDCTP3 funds Europe-Africa (aka North-South) collaborative projects that prevent, detect, and treat infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. 


EDCTP3 has released its 2024 working program, where the following calls for proposals are foreseen. For stage 1, applicants should submit a 10-page proposal by April 4th, 2024. For more insights on these open calls, you can register to the Health National Contact Points event described here

*vector-borne diseases within the scope on page 39 here


The consortia should consist of ≥3 partners from 3 eligible countries, incl. ≥1 in a European Union Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country (“North”) and ≥1 in a sub-Saharan country that is member of the EDCTP Association (“South”) - country list on pages 8-9 here. If the coordinator is not in South Africa, project management is ensured by: a Coordinator in the “North” and a Project Scientific Lead in the “South”.


If you are interested in applying, contact us at


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